On Nov. 4, IW finally released the launch trailer for their next EPIC game, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.
And within just a few short days, one of the most highly anticipated first-person shooters of 2009, will be released.
Well, in case you haven't yet seen this awesome new trailer, feast your eyes on it below, which I'm sure you'll be pleased.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will be available worldwide on Nov. 10, 2009. Check your local video game retailers for midnight launch listings.. I'll definitely be on scene.. will you be?!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Madballs in... Babo: Invasion Mini-Review

Today I stumbled-upon a game on Steam called Madballs in... Babo: Invasion, a 3D shooter/arcade game created by Indie developer, Playbrains.
In all honesty, I've never even heard of the game before today. I was curious, so I searched for a demo on my Steam client and downloaded it. Took about 5 minutes to download/install. Started it up. The demo offers two levels: Boot Camp(the tutorial level) and First Contact, the first out of ten singleplayer levels.
The boot camp level basically gives you a feel for the controls/gameplay and what not and when you're ready, you can test out what you've learned by playing the First Contact level.
The game is simple. You take control of a ball in which you roll about the areas, gaining experience, finding and unlocking better and super awesome weapons, etc, all while defeating enemies that cross your path. There's also two camera modes, the default one that hovers over your Madball and top-down view mode. In my opinion, the default camera is the way to go.. and you can rotate the camera any way you want.
(Just for reference, for anyone who doesn't already know, the two characters: Oculus Orbus and Horn Head are actual "Madballs" from the popular bouncy ball toy back in the mid-80s. I use to play around with them all the time when I was much younger.. wow... crazy, the 80s.. wow!)
After you've beat the first level, you can take on the second faction(Scorcher). It's basically the same level, but with different characters and new and exciting weapons to choose.
Also, each character you control has two abilities each that you unlock by gaining experience. For example, the Magmor character can grow into a giant molten lava rock and can easily crush anything in his path just by running them over, for a short time.. really cool. Each character has it's own unique set of abilities.
And there's 4-player co-op, 16-player multiplayer, with 21 maps to choose from, Invasion Mode(build your own side of the map before each match starts and then battle it out in different maps each time!), 5 versus modes, over two factions, lots of classes, voice chat, unlockables and secrets, leaderboards, in-game steam achievements, and much, much more!
So to sum it all up... Madballs in... Babo: Invasion is a great game that you should own. It's a 3D shooter game with a twist. It's completely different and a really great experience. From the story, the 3D graphics, the sound effects, the music to the controls, gameplay, amazingly super awesome weapons and the great characters, it's all there: A truly unqiue and genuine gaming experience.
I wouldn't be writing this review if I didn't believe just that, now would I? Well, probably, but that's besides the point. lol.. just kidding. No, I wouldn't be writing a review about this spectacular game if I didn't believe there wasn't hours of fun!
So with that said, for this weekend only, you can get Madballs in... Babo: Invasion for $7.99 via Steam. What more can you ask for in a really unique game and at that low of a price? Nothing!
Get going now... the Madballs await!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Shadow Complex - The Foam Gun
IGN Video: Shadow Complex Xbox 360 Video - Video Special:The Foam Gun
Gotta tell ya.. Shadow Complex, Epic Games' newest venture for the XBLA is sure to be a mega hit.
IGN's latest video on Shadow Complex is the "Foam Gun". The Foam Gun is a unique weapon (or device) that allows you to freeze different things in place, like moving machinery or even enemies. Using the Foam Gun to freeze mechanisms can also grant you access to new areas. A really cool thing about the weapon is the ability to freeze enemies temporally and then destroy 'em with a grenade (or sticky nade) for a nice explosion!
Shadow Complex is due to be released for the Xbox Live Arcade on Aug. 19, 2009 for 1200 MS points.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Kevin "K-Spa" Spacey Explains Twitter to David Letterman
Twitter is huge. There's no question about it. Little over three years strong, Twitter gets around 30,000,000 uniques a month(or more). This is astronomical, considering the companies only been around for that long. Many other companies don't get that big in that amount of time.
Everyone(or almost everyone, hint David Letterman) uses Twitter. Companies use it to self-promote. Celebrities use it to talk about their daily lives, which I might add, a lot of "regular" folk are interested in. My point is.. lots and lots of people use it. Hell, even the President of the United States use Twitter. Twitter is THAT big.
Anyways, before I carry on and on and on.. a few days ago on Late Show with David Letterman, Kevin Spacey was on the show. David Letterman knows nothing about the power of Twitter, so Kevin took it upon himself to explain it to him. (By the way, his street name is K-Spa; suits him, haha) - Kevin has over 800,000 followers which is no small feat.
It's a pretty hilarious bit. David gets a little offensive which makes it even more funny. Watch it and learn a few things about Twitter from "K-Spa".
And note to David: GET ON TWITTER YOU LAZY/CHEAP Host! (hahahah)
Kevin Spacey: http://www.twitter.com/KevinSpacey
Everyone(or almost everyone, hint David Letterman) uses Twitter. Companies use it to self-promote. Celebrities use it to talk about their daily lives, which I might add, a lot of "regular" folk are interested in. My point is.. lots and lots of people use it. Hell, even the President of the United States use Twitter. Twitter is THAT big.
Anyways, before I carry on and on and on.. a few days ago on Late Show with David Letterman, Kevin Spacey was on the show. David Letterman knows nothing about the power of Twitter, so Kevin took it upon himself to explain it to him. (By the way, his street name is K-Spa; suits him, haha) - Kevin has over 800,000 followers which is no small feat.
It's a pretty hilarious bit. David gets a little offensive which makes it even more funny. Watch it and learn a few things about Twitter from "K-Spa".
And note to David: GET ON TWITTER YOU LAZY/CHEAP Host! (hahahah)
Kevin Spacey: http://www.twitter.com/KevinSpacey
Friday, June 12, 2009
Linkin Park - "New Divide" Music Video
Linkin Park – “New Divide”
I am seriously a HUGE fan of Linkin Park(never been to one of their concerts, however, but I hope to change that soon) so I decide to help them out(they don't need help...) by promoting their newest music video entitled "New Divide".
This is a video game blog "mostly" but sometimes when I feel like it, I post non-gaming related stuff, like Linkin Park's newest music video.
"New Divide" seriously kicks some major ass. Every new song they release is awesome. Can't wait for the next one!
P.S. Oh yeah, and remember to vote for "New Divide" starting tomorrow for VH1's Top 20 Countdown. Vote, vote, vote them to #1! All you gotta do is drag their song to the #1 spot and do this as many times as you can, so the song will be #1 on the top 20 countdown! Go here to vote starting tomorrow: VOTE June 13!
I am seriously a HUGE fan of Linkin Park(never been to one of their concerts, however, but I hope to change that soon) so I decide to help them out(they don't need help...) by promoting their newest music video entitled "New Divide".
This is a video game blog "mostly" but sometimes when I feel like it, I post non-gaming related stuff, like Linkin Park's newest music video.
"New Divide" seriously kicks some major ass. Every new song they release is awesome. Can't wait for the next one!
P.S. Oh yeah, and remember to vote for "New Divide" starting tomorrow for VH1's Top 20 Countdown. Vote, vote, vote them to #1! All you gotta do is drag their song to the #1 spot and do this as many times as you can, so the song will be #1 on the top 20 countdown! Go here to vote starting tomorrow: VOTE June 13!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Crackdown 2 Trailer
Old news, I know, but I've been so busy as of late, I haven't had time to post much of anything. I hope to change that soon though.
Anyways.. back on topic..
After beating Crackdown, I had to have more. Crackdown is just so much fun and very unique. The story, the gameplay, controls, powers, all of it were just amazing. Sure, some people bought Crackdown JUST for the Halo 3 MP Beta, but I didn't. I thought of that Halo 3 MP Beta as merely a bonus and an exciting chance to test out the game early. But that was it though. Don't get me wrong, huge fan of the Halo franchise and Halo 3, but I bought Crackdown for the game and only the game really.
The game was awesome, from start to finish. And Co-OP was fun, too.
So that being said, when I first seen the world premiere trailer of Crackdown 2 during the MS Press Conference at E3, I was shocked. After hearing that there would not be a sequel to the original, it was pretty unsettling.
And it does suck that Realtime Worlds will not be developing Crackdown 2, but I guess it makes sense seeing how they are behind the MMOFPS game, APB(which I hope is AWESOME!).
The scottish developer, Ruffian Games will be developing Crackdown 2, so new developer means new exciting game(hopefully!).
I hope to see more trailers of Crackdown 2 soon and when I do, I'll be sure to post 'em!
So here's the trailer of Crackdown 2:
Thursday, June 4, 2009
E3 2009 - Reinvented and Reborn Again

Yep, today was the last day of the reinvented and reborn again E3 and what an E3 it has been!
I didn't get to go this year, as I just wanted to see if they could bring it back to what E3 was all about in years past and I think I found my answer. E3 definitely wasn't like 2007 or 2008, small and no booth babes in sight, it was like all the other E3's, like 2005's and 2006's E3. I am extremely excited that they decided to re-build E3 like it once was and boy did they!
On Monday, lots of game announcements and news about already announced games came out of the Microsoft Press Conference, lots and I mean LOTS!
RECAP(6/01/09), Microsoft Press Conference:
- The Beatles Rock Band: Finally, the world got a glipse from the trailer they unveiled about what everyone can expect from soon-to-be best Rock Band seperate game ever, The Beatles Rock Band!
- Tony Hawk RIDE: Have you ever wanted to be in the games of Tony Hawk? Not as a character, but as YOU(sort of)... well, now you have a chance, with the first ever skateboard controller that allows you, the player, to interact with the Tony Hawk games like never before. You can pull off big air maneuvers like you would with an actual skateboard and this will interact with the game world. Pretty damn awesome.
- Modern Warfare 2: Live demo of actual gameplay footage from Modern Warfare 2. CoD4: MW was awesome and so is the sequel. Cannot wait to get my hands on it!
- Final Fantasy XIII: The first ever look at the "soon-to-be-awesome" Final Fantasy XIII running on an Xbox 360! Next year is gonna be one hell of a year for video games!
- Shadow Complex: Looks pretty cool. Kind of looks similar to that of Bionic Commando in terms of graphics and gameplay, but still looks badass and will be available on the Xbox Live Arcade. BRING IT ON!
- JoyRide: This game looks kind of interesting. It utilizes everyone avatar on Xbox Live and most importantly, it's FREE! It will be kind of cool to see everyone's customized avatar racing eachother in JoyRide. Pretty unique. Can't wait to try it out this Winter.
- Crackdown 2: They revealed Crackdown 2 in the form of an awesome trailer. I'm a huge fan of the original Crackdown(LOTS OF FUN) and so I was really excited to hear that a sequel is going to be released. Although it's not being developed by Realtime Worls(they developed Crackdown), I'm sure it'll still be a hugh hit. Let's hope!
- Left 4 Dead 2: They played a trailer for Valve upcoming survivla horror game, Left 4 Dead 2, sequel to the multi-award winning game, Left 4 Dead. It looks like there's all new characters, zombies and gamemodes. Can't wait! Comes out in November 17, 2009.
- Splinter Cell: Conviction: After being what seemed like a long time, Splinter Cell: Conviction gets shown off in gameplay form. Looks cool and dark. Sam Fisher has definitely changed and for the better. Badass!
- Forza Motorsport 3: Don't know what to say... never really was a fan(PGR FTW), but since this is a recap of what was announced and shown off, gotta list it. haha.
- Halo 3: ODST: Finally, some actual gameplay footage of this game. Looks really awesome. Master Chief might not be in this one, but still, looks like a winner to me!
- Halo Reach: What more is there to say? New Halo... 'nough said!
- Alan Wake: Yes, after a couple of years of being hidden deep within someones dark mind, they revealed some actual footage from the game and actual GAMPLAY FOOTAGE! Looks intense and gritty, just like out of a bad dream.
- Last.FM/Facebook/Twitter: Wow... what will they come up with next? Now everyone will be able to enjoy fresh music with Last.FM, see their friends status updates with Facebook and post updates with Twitter... and on the Xbox 360, too! Amazing! Last.FM/Twitter ones I'll probably mostly be using, not so much of Facebook though. haha.
- M...G...S... METAL GEAR SOLID on Xbox 360: This was amazing news and I bet a shock to the world. First Final Fantasy XIII on 360 and now Metal Gear Solid. Wow... such an amazing moment in the video game industry. Never thought it would happen, but it finally did with the world premiere trailer of Metal Gear Solid: Rising and guess who will be starring in the game? Not Solid Snake..................... RAIDEN!
- Project Natal: In my personal opinion, this is one of the biggest annoucements at E3 this year. The revealing of the next BIG idea, Project Natal, which will allow the player to literally play games in a complete "controller-free" environment with full body-motion in a 3D space. Amazing, really amazing technology. This is truly the next revolution in video games... that's IF it works. If it doesn't work, fail, but if it does indeed work and I'm hoping it does, revolutionizing. Because of the early prototype they shown off at E3, I wonder when this really unique device will be available to the consumer and at what price point? I'm guessing right now, 2010 at $3-400. If this does work, I'd pay $500. Walk in the room(if you're 360 is on) and it automatically recognizes you. And the fact that you can just wave your hand left or right to move upon the menus on Xbox 360. Absolutely amazing! Can't wait to hear more about Project Natal!
RECAP(6/02/09), Nintendo Press Conference:
- NEW Super Mario Bros. for the Wii: NEW Super Mario Bros. for the DS totally won the world over time and time again and now, Nintendo is bringing you NEW Super Mario Bros. for the WII in all-out four player Mario action. Pretty awesome if you ask me!
- Wii Fit Plus: Wii Fit is still really hard to find(I was lucky to get the last one at my local GameStop last year) and now they are releasing this Winter, Wii Fit Plus, a collection of all-new fitness games, including a skateboard game. Wii Fit Plus will be bundled with the Wii Balance Board, as well as seperately for those of us who already own Wii Fit. That was nice of them.
- More about Wii Motion Plus: Yep, President and COO of NoA, Reggie Fils-Aime talks more about the Wii Motion Plus, a device that will attach to the Wii Remote and will offer more precision control over games. Definitely cool!
- Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers: Another RPG on the Nintendo Wii, but obviously, a really good one. Watch the gameplay trailer and you'll see.
- Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days: Was never a fan of the series, but still felt inclined to list it. Looks okay but probably looks awesome to fans of the games.
- Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story: This game looks interesting, really, really interesting. They showed some gameplay footage of the game in action on the DS. I might have to check it out.
- Golden Sun DS: This is the game I've honestly been waiting for, for a very long time. Been a huge fan and still am, since the releasing of Golden Sun and Golden Sun: The Lost Age and when I seen the world premiere trailer of Golden Sun DS, I was shocked. 6 years after not having a Golden Sun on my DS is a long time and won't have to wait much longer. This is a game I must own on day one, no matter what!
- Woman's Murder Club for the DS: Uhh.... no comment.
- Cop: The Recuit for the DS: Again, not really sure what to think. The trailer looked pretty good though.
- Girl's Mode for the DS: This really and I mean REALLY pains me to list this game. NO MORE... *leaves*
- More talk about the Nintendo DSi: Yep, more talk about the Nintendo DSi. Oh yeah, and already 1 million units of the DSi sold since launch. Very nice. I'll buy one one of these days.
- Flip Node Studio for the DSi: Movie making software that lets DSi owners created shortish animated movies and can then broadcast them to the world. Wow, nice!
- Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Minis March Again! for the DSi: Pretty cool game that lets the player create their own levels and so fourth and then let others download 'em.
- WarioWare DIY: A collection of micro games.
- The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks: They revealed this game a few months back and had a few words about it at the conference, but didn't mention anything else about it. Looking forward to it though!
- Wii Vitality Sensor: It's a device that attaches to the Wii Remote. You then put your finger inside the device and only then will you know what your heart rate is, how nervous you are, if you are focused or unforuce and if you are feeling nervous. Hmm... interesting concept. Very interesting to say the least.
- Super Mario Galaxy 2: After about 30 minutes of "not-so-great" video game stuff, they reveal Super Mario Galaxy 2, sequel to SMG. I gotta say, I am really looking forward to this sequel as the last one was really awesome. Can't wait!
- The Conduit: This one looks super awesome and I'm REALLY loooking forward to it. Looks really unique and original.
- Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles: Rail-scroller action at its best! Looks great.
- Dead Space: Extraction: Developed by EA Redshore, Dead Space was a fantastic horror game and really enjoyed every minutes of it. And now they are building it from the ground up with Dead Space: Extraction for the Nintendo Wii. Amazing!
- Metroid: Other M: Wow, wow, wow. Nintendo definitely still has a few aces up their sleeves. They showed a really nice trailer of the game. Metroid: Other M is being developed by Ninja Gaiden developer, Team NINJA!
RECAP(6/02/09), Sony Press Conference:
- Uncharted 2: Among Thieves: Never played the first one but I heard some great things about it and this one is probably no different. I'm sure it'll do well as expected.
- MAG(Massive Action Game): Is 64 player online battles a lot? How about 128? Nope, not even close. Try 256 players. That's right, in MAG, there will be 256 players in an all-out war going on at once. Just thinking about it is kind of crazy. MAG is definitely the game I'm anxiously waiting for.
- PSP GO: New PSP, smaller size... what else is there to say. Don't have one, Nintendo Handhelds FTW!
- Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker: Creator of Metal Gear Solid, Hideo Kojima walks onto the stage and talks about how Solid Snake will make his way to the PSP GO in the form of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, a game set 10 years after Metal Gear Solid 3 and takes place in the 1970s. He also mentions that this one is a true MGS sequel. A trailer of the game is shown. Looks cool. But like I said a few lines up, I don't own a PSP and never will. Sorry...
- Resident Evil: Portable: Yep, another game for a portable handheld I'll never own. CURSE YOU SONY, CURSE YOU! But the game looks good. haha
- Agent: No trailer(I'm sure there are some out there), but I'm sure this one will be good.
- Assassin's Creed 2: Actual gameplay of Assassin's Creed 2 and it looks better than ever! And the game takes place in the Italian Renaissance, interesting...
- Final Fantasy XIII: Trailer of FFXIII, and looks absolutely amazing! Different from the one shown at the Microsoft Press Conference though. Amazing!
- Final Fantasy XIV Online: Already a new Final Fantasy game is being developed and FFXIII hasn't even been released yet. They don't mess around. Wow. Looks really awesome though. And it's online. Nice.
- New Motion Controller: Too little too late, Sony. Project Natal took the stage at E3 first so they get first dibs. haha. But seriously, what they showed off, with all the Eye Toy tracking and exact motions, etc, looked pretty good, but I'm still more impressed by Project Natal.
- ModNation Racers: Interesting. Similar to LittleBigPlanet in terms of creating anything, whatever, whenever, anything you can think of, you can create... in the form of racing. The live gameplay demo they showed really showed off the powers of the PS3 and ModNation Racers. Makes me want to pick it up when it gets released in 2010.
- The Last Guardian: Trailer was shown off of this PS3 exclusive title and the developer of ICO and Shadow of the Colossus is behind it. I say this a lot it seems like, but really, this game is... AMAZING!
- Gran Turismo 5: Short trailer of the PS3's next big racing game, Gran Turismo 5. Looks good, but still, PGR FTW!
- God of War III: They definitely saved the best for last, as God of War III will surely be one of the best PS3 games of next year. A live demo of GoWIII was played and it looks absolutely freaking amazing! Can't wait to get my hands on this one in March, 2010!
Well, that's it folks. E3 2009 is done and over with until next year when E3 returns. E3 was extremely successful and 2010 will be even better than before. Next year, I'm going... I hope! haha.
See ya next year...
Or until my next blog post!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Modern Warfare 2 Reveal Trailer Looks Epic
Infinity Ward has done it again.
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare was an amazing game and one of their biggest games to date(and one of the biggest games of 2007)... until now. After watching the reveal trailer of Modern Warfare 2, which was revealed to the world a few days ago, I have to say it is pretty damn epic and right up there with the awesomeness of its predecessor.
I honestly do believe that Modern Warfare 2 will easily live up to the hype of the previous game and will deliver in ways we would never imagine(let's hope!).
Modern Warfare 2 hits store shelves on November 10, 2009 for PC, Xbox 360, and PS3.
Let the war begin!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
3D Realms Shuts Down

---->Long Live Duke Nukem!<----
I cannot believe it.
Yesterday, May 6, the famous company behind the Duke Nukem franchise shuts down after many years of operation. And the cause? Funding. Everything is being shut down because of funding these days. Why can't they just talk it out or something.
Take-Two says that they still hold the publishing rights to Duke Nukem Forever, the game that has been in development for years, but was never actually funding the game, which I cannot even begin to believe.
Who the hell was funding the game then? Were they secretly taking money from Take-Two? Or was 3D Realms just funding the game with their own money? If they were in fact using their own money, then what the hell is the problem? I don't get it.
I really can't believe 3D Realm has been shut down because of a little funding problem.
Well, I guess it is true of what they have been saying for years... Duke Nukem Forever really had no chance of ever seeing the light of day, or does it? Will it be "forever" doomed to a life of incompleteness? Only Take-Two knows.
I honestly hope they do find another developer to continue the work that has already been done with Duke Nukem Forever, or maybe it was their plan all along to never release DNF, hence the last part in the title, "Forever", as in it will never be released. That don't make a lick of sense though, well, who knows.
3D Realms was definately a great company and will never be forgotten. They've made some of the best games in the industry, most notably the Duke Nukem franchise.
Thanks for everything, 3D Realms!
Monday, May 4, 2009
X-Men Origins: Wolverine [The Game] Is Awesome.. The Movie Isn't

Yep, I said it. X-Men Origins: Wolverine for the Xbox 360 is a lot of fun to play and offers a lot of value... however, the movie that the game is based off of is not that great, unfortunately.
I seen the movie on opening night and my expectations were pretty low to start so I wasn't expecting an Oscar worthy movie, not at all.
The movie was "decent", but the acting could have been a lot better. And some of the humor in the movie was really un-welcomed.. wasn't needed. Besides the sometimes pretty bad acting, and by bad acting, I'm not referring to Hugh Jackman or Liev Schreiber, the movie was "okay". Won't win any awards by any means, but still, all the action I came to expect was all there.
Overall, a decent movie.
Now about the game. The game is based off of the movie although there are a lot of different things in the game that isn't in the movie, but that's good. It's a really fun action-adventure, with lots of blood and awesome combos. All I can say is, the game is a lot better than the movie, and I'm not surprised. haha.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Super Smash Bros. Brawl X: Extreme Video
Well, I don't really know what to say in situations like these, but here's a video of an updated version of the extremely popular fighter, Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
I guess "supposedly" today, Nintendo announced an update for the Wii called "Wii Expand", a new service that will allow gamers to download game additions, modifications and the like, and Super Smash Bros. Brawl will be the first game to utilize this new feature in the form of downloadable content.
More info here!
In the video below you'll find out that Super Smash Bros. Brawl is still the fighter you know, but guess what, it now has blood and decapitations. Very crazy, I know.
Here's the video of the "shaky-cam" footage:
Obviously, this is a hoax, a very clever "April Fools' Day" joke and has no merit whatsoever, BUT I have to hand it to IGN, they always come up with new and creative ways to fool their readers, but since I'm a long time fan, I always see it coming. I don't mind not being fooled, I'm just entertained either way because of the cleverness.
Keep it up IGN.. can't wait to see what you guys have in store for us next year!
Last thing, I know what you're thinking.. yes, I am pretty much always late to the party as it's almost 10:30 at night and April Fools' Day is just about over.
I guess "supposedly" today, Nintendo announced an update for the Wii called "Wii Expand", a new service that will allow gamers to download game additions, modifications and the like, and Super Smash Bros. Brawl will be the first game to utilize this new feature in the form of downloadable content.
More info here!
In the video below you'll find out that Super Smash Bros. Brawl is still the fighter you know, but guess what, it now has blood and decapitations. Very crazy, I know.
Here's the video of the "shaky-cam" footage:
Obviously, this is a hoax, a very clever "April Fools' Day" joke and has no merit whatsoever, BUT I have to hand it to IGN, they always come up with new and creative ways to fool their readers, but since I'm a long time fan, I always see it coming. I don't mind not being fooled, I'm just entertained either way because of the cleverness.
Keep it up IGN.. can't wait to see what you guys have in store for us next year!
Last thing, I know what you're thinking.. yes, I am pretty much always late to the party as it's almost 10:30 at night and April Fools' Day is just about over.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Mega 64 Kotaku Skit
Today's the last day of the Game Developers Conference and yesterday, Mega 64, the hit video game comedy sketch show decided to do a skit on the popular video game blog, Kotaku.
Pretty awesome thing they did. Really true to Kotaku. (LOL) It's a pretty long video, but be patient, it'll totally pay off in the end.
Oh yeah, and Mega 64 is totally freaking genius!
Pretty awesome thing they did. Really true to Kotaku. (LOL) It's a pretty long video, but be patient, it'll totally pay off in the end.
Oh yeah, and Mega 64 is totally freaking genius!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
The Zombie Invasion Is Upon Us
Are you prepared to fight of hordes off zombies wanting to eat your BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAINS?
Yep, that's right, tomorrow, Thursday at midnight, the zombie invasion will begin. Do you have what it takes to fight them all off in the extremely anticipated survivor-horror game, Resident Evil 5?
Let's hope so, because we'll need all the help we can get in destroying every last one of those flesh eating zombies!
I can't tell ya how much I've been looking forward to getting my hands on Resident Evil 5. Honestly, this game is going to be fucking awesome! Resident Evil 4 freaking ROCKED so hopefully RE5 will be every amount of awesome as its predecessor was.
Will you be in line waiting until midnight to get Resident Evil 5?
I'll definitely be there at my local GameStop waiting patiently to get my copy.
Going to be one hell of a ride!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
[EPIC Movie #1] Watchmen in Glorious IMAX

Last night I went with my brother-in-law to see the comic-based movie "Watchmen". I'm slowly reading the comic now, but may take away as I'm not exactly the biggest reader(unless it's gaming related).
I'm not going to make this a long ass post, so I'll just go ahead and get this out now: Watchmen is an EPIC movie. It may not be as EPIC as The Dark Knight was (with or without the touch of IMAX), but I will say that Watchmen is a beautiful, awe-inspiring action/drama movie, of course with the added bonus of IMAX.
Everything from the acting to the music was outstanding. Don't even get me started in the special effects department. Wow. Absolutely amazing. Some of the best special effects I've seen in any movie in the last 10 years, bar none. Not to mention the amount of blood/gore they put into the movie, wow. Over two and a half hours of EPICness.
Anyone who hasn't seen it yet(you know who you are) needs to go see Watchmen in IMAX as soon as the theaters open. Do NOT, and I repeat, DO NOT see the movie in a regular theater. Just like The Dark Knight, Watchmen is meant to be seen in IMAX. Can't be seen any other way. Unless it's on Blu-Ray of course.
I just hope when the Oscars come around again, Watchmen gets the attention it deserves. The actor who portrayed the biggest badass around, Rorschach, deserves to be nominated for Best Supporting Actor, if not Best Actor. But then again, way too early to tell, but I think he at least deserves to be nominated. Definitely my favorite of the Watchmen.
Anyways, this post has gotten bigger than I wanted it to get. Now go see it!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Quake Live Goes Live Today!
After successfully running the closed beta for the last several months, Quake Live will be opening it's beta to the rest of the world later tonight.
Quake Live in a nut shell is an extremely fast-paced first person shooter that can be played in a web browser. The game is based around the very popular Quake III: Gold.
I'm not really supposed to talk about the fact that I actually got invited to participate in the closed beta of Quake Live a few weeks ago, but well, since today is the official launch day of the open beta, I don't think it matter much now anyways. Yeah, Quake Live is extremely fast. It's extremely competitive. But is it extremely fun? Yes, yes it is. Since the servers are hosted by id themselves, there is really no noticeable lag and it's very smooth, considering it's being played in a browser.
What's really cool about Quake Live is that you take a 10 minute skill test which will determine where you fit in the world of Quake Live players. In the match listing, there will be something there saying that you will be matched against players with your own skill level. And there will be others saying that if you attempt to compete against these players, they will wipe the floor with your hide. I'd stay away from those matches if I were you. haha
Another cool thing about the web-based game is you can actually play against bots, that's if you're rusty and want to practice a bit before going head-to-head against some of the best Quake players in the world(well, not really, but you get the point).
Quake Live is completely free but in order for them to make some well-earned money, they'll be adding in-game advertisements.
Check out their website today so you, too, can participate in all the glory that is Quake Live.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Age of Conan, A New Kind of MMO
Note: Click the images for full resolution.

King Conan
It's been awhile since I actively got back into any MMO. The last BIG one I was actively involved in was City of Heroes a few years ago and months after I stopped playing, I tried getting back into the super hero powered MMO, but for the life of me, I could not. Not sure why. Sometime when you stop playing a game for long enough, it's like a whole new experience the next time you start playing again. But since I've played CoH for months on end, non-stop, I couldn't really get back into it, maybe one day I'll be able to.Anyways... World of Warcraft is another example of an MMO I could not get back into. Although, I never really, truly got into WoW, played it for a few months, but wasn't around long enough to get to the high levels.

Pythiasdamon, Cimmerian Dark Templar on Cimmeria
Now brings me to a new kind of MMO. Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures. The game launched in May of 2008. I knew about it, but didn't know what it could offer me that others before it offered me. I wasn't really that interested in finding out. A friend of mine(Wap) had just built a new computer and was anxiously waiting to play it. He was able to install it, but some things(graphic elements) weren't working right, as this was at launch so there was still bugs in hiding. He didn't play it that much then, but told me it was pretty cool. He was going to send me one of his buddy keys to try out the game for myself, but for some reason, the buddy invite system wasn't showing up/working right.

Okay, fast forwarding to a week ago.. it appeared that Age of Conan was finally running the way it was meant to run for my friend and he went from saying it was just "pretty cool" to "FUCKING AMAZING!" so for obvious reasons, that really got my attention. He told me that the buddy invite system finally started working and was able to send me a buddy invite so I could try out the "the most savage, sexy and brutal MMO ever created" for 7 days, except that it was 10 days because of the large 6GB download which happened to cost $2.99.

My new home... for now.
So I finally started downloading it, installing it, and because I had Windows 7 installed, it would not work because DirectX 11 was installed and the download manager needed DirectX 9.0c to run properly. So guess what I did next? Well, you may have guessed that I went ahead and did nothing, but you would have guessed wrong. I tried to dual boot Windows 7 and XP. I created a new partition, fixed up everything and restarted. Get this... "Error loading operation system". Not sure WTF I did wrong, but I must have screwed something up. I went ahead and tried to install Windows XP anyways, but that didn't work. I said fuck it and install Windows XP right over Windows 7, had to be done, sucks, but that was the sacrifice I was willing to make so I could play the most brutal MMO ever. I installed Windows XP, installed all the necessary software and then finally started installing Age of Conan. It was done and was ready to play FINALLY.
I loaded the game and had to download all the patches and what not. It was done patching and bam, the game was loading at last. Lots of cool screens before the exciting cutscene of Conan almost getting stabbed in the back by one of his people, just a test to see if he was still quick.

Prepare to die, Red Hand!
Well... I created a character, I won't list all of the options which is quite a few. I created a Cimmerian Dark Templar on the Cimmeria RP-PVP server. At first I was almost going to change my mind and create another character with a different class, but went with it and boy was I lucky I didn't change my mind. The Dark Templar is amazing, although I'm sure the other classes are just as awesome, seeing how this is my first character in Age of Conan.

I think this post has gone long enough, and I would say "long story, short", but it's kind of late for that(lol). I will say this though.. I had a chance to play Age of Conan for a week now, off and on and yesterday, I headed to my local GameStop and picked up the game right then and there. Age of Conan is really "the most savage, sexy and brutal MMO ever created" and difinitely "a new kind of MMO", worth every penny, the full retail price and the $2.99 I had to pay just download it. Seriously. The game is that awesome. I don't say that too often about any game, unless I find myself really enjoying it.

Slaying the Bat Demon
So if you're into MMO's that are exciting, have full cutscenes, nudity, cussing, lots of action, blood and gore, and the occasional comedic dialogue, then do yourself a favor and see if a friend has a buddy invite so you, too, can try Age of Conan out. You will not regret it. Nope, not a chance.
King Conan
It's been awhile since I actively got back into any MMO. The last BIG one I was actively involved in was City of Heroes a few years ago and months after I stopped playing, I tried getting back into the super hero powered MMO, but for the life of me, I could not. Not sure why. Sometime when you stop playing a game for long enough, it's like a whole new experience the next time you start playing again. But since I've played CoH for months on end, non-stop, I couldn't really get back into it, maybe one day I'll be able to.Anyways... World of Warcraft is another example of an MMO I could not get back into. Although, I never really, truly got into WoW, played it for a few months, but wasn't around long enough to get to the high levels.
Pythiasdamon, Cimmerian Dark Templar on Cimmeria
Now brings me to a new kind of MMO. Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures. The game launched in May of 2008. I knew about it, but didn't know what it could offer me that others before it offered me. I wasn't really that interested in finding out. A friend of mine(Wap) had just built a new computer and was anxiously waiting to play it. He was able to install it, but some things(graphic elements) weren't working right, as this was at launch so there was still bugs in hiding. He didn't play it that much then, but told me it was pretty cool. He was going to send me one of his buddy keys to try out the game for myself, but for some reason, the buddy invite system wasn't showing up/working right.
Okay, fast forwarding to a week ago.. it appeared that Age of Conan was finally running the way it was meant to run for my friend and he went from saying it was just "pretty cool" to "FUCKING AMAZING!" so for obvious reasons, that really got my attention. He told me that the buddy invite system finally started working and was able to send me a buddy invite so I could try out the "the most savage, sexy and brutal MMO ever created" for 7 days, except that it was 10 days because of the large 6GB download which happened to cost $2.99.
My new home... for now.
So I finally started downloading it, installing it, and because I had Windows 7 installed, it would not work because DirectX 11 was installed and the download manager needed DirectX 9.0c to run properly. So guess what I did next? Well, you may have guessed that I went ahead and did nothing, but you would have guessed wrong. I tried to dual boot Windows 7 and XP. I created a new partition, fixed up everything and restarted. Get this... "Error loading operation system". Not sure WTF I did wrong, but I must have screwed something up. I went ahead and tried to install Windows XP anyways, but that didn't work. I said fuck it and install Windows XP right over Windows 7, had to be done, sucks, but that was the sacrifice I was willing to make so I could play the most brutal MMO ever. I installed Windows XP, installed all the necessary software and then finally started installing Age of Conan. It was done and was ready to play FINALLY.
I loaded the game and had to download all the patches and what not. It was done patching and bam, the game was loading at last. Lots of cool screens before the exciting cutscene of Conan almost getting stabbed in the back by one of his people, just a test to see if he was still quick.
Prepare to die, Red Hand!
Well... I created a character, I won't list all of the options which is quite a few. I created a Cimmerian Dark Templar on the Cimmeria RP-PVP server. At first I was almost going to change my mind and create another character with a different class, but went with it and boy was I lucky I didn't change my mind. The Dark Templar is amazing, although I'm sure the other classes are just as awesome, seeing how this is my first character in Age of Conan.
I think this post has gone long enough, and I would say "long story, short", but it's kind of late for that(lol). I will say this though.. I had a chance to play Age of Conan for a week now, off and on and yesterday, I headed to my local GameStop and picked up the game right then and there. Age of Conan is really "the most savage, sexy and brutal MMO ever created" and difinitely "a new kind of MMO", worth every penny, the full retail price and the $2.99 I had to pay just download it. Seriously. The game is that awesome. I don't say that too often about any game, unless I find myself really enjoying it.
Slaying the Bat Demon
So if you're into MMO's that are exciting, have full cutscenes, nudity, cussing, lots of action, blood and gore, and the occasional comedic dialogue, then do yourself a favor and see if a friend has a buddy invite so you, too, can try Age of Conan out. You will not regret it. Nope, not a chance.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
[SFIV] New Street Fighter IV Trailer
Yes, this is a few days old, but still had to post it. All I can say is... BAD-FREAKING-ASS!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
[Beta] Windows 7 beta tomorrow

The Windows 7 beta has been circulating around the internet for awhile now, but circulating illegally unless you were picked to be apart of the closed beta.
At CES 2009 last night, CEO at Microsoft, Steve Ballmer, has finally announced that the Windows 7 beta will give everyone, well, mostly everyone, a chance to partake in the beta this Friday. And when I mean "mostly everyone", I mean.. the beta is limited to the first 2.5 million people. He didn't say exactly "when" the beta will be downloadable, all he said was this Friday. I'm thinking the beta will go live at midnight PST, but then again, it's anyone's guess. Could be early morning to PM. Guess we'll have to wait and find out.
Anyways... the beta will be available in two versions, x32 and x64, which is great. The two versions will come in the form of .ISO files, rather large .ISO files I'm sure.
Well, I'm definitely going to download both versions as I'm anxious to try 'em both out.
All I need to do now is head on over to Fry's after work tomorrow, buy a new H/D and a docking bay and I'll be set.
The Windows 7 beta can be downloaded via the Official Windows website.
And more information available here: Windows 7 Team Blog
Sunday, January 4, 2009
New Logo
As I said previously in the last post, I was planning on creating a new logo this weekend which I've finally got around doing yesterday. I thought it turned out pretty good, although I guess it can always be better.
I've a huge fan of the Xbox 360 game Lost Odyssey(one of my favorites of 2008), so I had to use an image of the Immortal, Kaim Argonar in the logo, along with Leon Kennedy of Resident Evil fame and of course Raiden from the Metal Gear Solid series. The reason I chose Raiden instead of Solid Snake is.. well, the pic of Raiden just looked cool at the time and thought it'd be best to just use him in the logo.
Also, the reason I chose Kaim and Leon as the two characters to represent the Xbox 360/Wii in the logo was because, well, I don't really have a reason other than those two are awesome. Sure, I could have used Master Chief and Mario, respectively, but those I think were obvious choices and wanted to try something different. Well, there ya have it.
What do you think, my loyal two or three readers? (lol)
I've a huge fan of the Xbox 360 game Lost Odyssey(one of my favorites of 2008), so I had to use an image of the Immortal, Kaim Argonar in the logo, along with Leon Kennedy of Resident Evil fame and of course Raiden from the Metal Gear Solid series. The reason I chose Raiden instead of Solid Snake is.. well, the pic of Raiden just looked cool at the time and thought it'd be best to just use him in the logo.
Also, the reason I chose Kaim and Leon as the two characters to represent the Xbox 360/Wii in the logo was because, well, I don't really have a reason other than those two are awesome. Sure, I could have used Master Chief and Mario, respectively, but those I think were obvious choices and wanted to try something different. Well, there ya have it.
What do you think, my loyal two or three readers? (lol)
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year 2009
This post is a little late, as the first day of the big 2009 is just about over, but I guess it's better late than never, as they say.
2008 was a great and historic year, from a huge and massive list of big blockbuster games(Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, Grand Theft Auto IV, Gears of War 2, LittleBigPlanet, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Fallout 3, Fable 2, Lost Odyssey(not a huge game, but one of the best games I've played in awhile) to the historical 2008 Election which declared Barack Obama as the first ever black President in the history of this great nation, and other stuff that was historical in its own right.
Cutting this post a bit short, I just want to wish everyone a Happy New Year 2008 and may your hopes and dreams be recongized. I've made a list of my 2009 New Years Resolution, and hopefully with every bit of energy I have, will accomplish all of them in this new year.

Separate note: I'm going type up a top ten list of what I think were
the best games of 2008, but it won't be a comprehensive and detailed
list, like all the gaming blogs/websites put up. Also, I'm in the
process of creating a new logo, which I'll hopefully do this weekend.
2008 was a great and historic year, from a huge and massive list of big blockbuster games(Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, Grand Theft Auto IV, Gears of War 2, LittleBigPlanet, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Fallout 3, Fable 2, Lost Odyssey(not a huge game, but one of the best games I've played in awhile) to the historical 2008 Election which declared Barack Obama as the first ever black President in the history of this great nation, and other stuff that was historical in its own right.
Cutting this post a bit short, I just want to wish everyone a Happy New Year 2008 and may your hopes and dreams be recongized. I've made a list of my 2009 New Years Resolution, and hopefully with every bit of energy I have, will accomplish all of them in this new year.

Separate note: I'm going type up a top ten list of what I think were
the best games of 2008, but it won't be a comprehensive and detailed
list, like all the gaming blogs/websites put up. Also, I'm in the
process of creating a new logo, which I'll hopefully do this weekend.
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